Version 4, October 6, 2006
The Executive Committee (EC) is a Standing Committee in the SHHA. It has full authority to act for the Board between regularly scheduled Board meetings, conducting such routine business as it may deem necessary including contracting for outside legal counsel. At each Board Meeting, it must report all actions taken. All decisions are made by a majority vote of a quorum.
Members of the EC include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Chairmen of the Covenant Support Committee and Architectural Control Committee. The President may appoint additional members to the EC, either temporarily or for the duration of the current Board term. Other Board members are always welcome to attend in a nonvoting capacity.
The President or a majority of EC members may call for EC meetings. The President normally presides at all meetings, but may designate another EC member (normally the Vice President) to preside should he be unable to attend.
The EC shall be responsible for providing “vision” and “guidance” to Board of Directors, and shall periodically review whether goals set for the SHHA are being met.
The EC shall make recommendations for committee membership to be approved by the BOD.
The EC shall have the final editorial rights to SHHA publications.